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A Documentary Approach to reality.

Life comes in the form of a story.

Let me tell yours.


Raising consciousness in the audience through game-changing projects and in the process, helping people to thrive.



2009 - 2014

Director, Editor, Screenplayer

Helix Pictures is an independent film company from Tuscany. Its aim is to evaluate territory through the independent cinema.



Digital and Performing Art
With a thesis about Panic Movement.

University La Sapienza, Rome. Summa cum laude.


Filmmaker in Residency

Fabrica is the Benetton Group Communication Research Centre, in Treviso.

2017 - 2018

Official Filmmaker
Videos for the main projects of the renowned photographer Oliviero Toscani.


Working between Milan, Rome, Tuscany, and the rest of Europe. Mainly documentary projects and advertisement.

2020 - 2021

Artist in Residency
Bridgeguard is an Art Residency between Slovakia and Hungary, active since 2004.

2021- 2022

Filmmaker in Ecuador and USA
Selina is a group of hotels with a filmmaking residency available in over 60 destinations worldwide.


Filmmaker in Residency

The Nomadic Island project is part of Esch 2022.

Esch-sur-Alzette - Luxembourg’s second largest city - will be European Capital of Culture in 2022. 


Art Director

Cecinema is an international film festival about irony and social issues, based in Tuscany. 


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